Monday, July 30, 2007

LibraryThing vs. Shelfari

LibraryThing was easier to use. After I added some books, by selecting about ten from a series by J.D. Robb(Nora Roberts), LibraryThing displayed the books in a list with publication dates, the tags I assigned and easy access to reviews, groups and tags. It was very simple even to delete the book from my library. The list could be sorted by any column: title, author, date or tags. The reviews were easy to find under the social data.

By contrast Shelfari just displayed the book covers on my bookshelf. Selecting the book provided more information, but I could not find a review, except for the “star” indicators. In general, Shelfari seemed to give less information and require more input. For some reason it was also blocked in my office, while LibraryThing was not.

Robb’s “In Death” novels is a series of books that I have read from the first to the most recent, just several months ago. LibraryThing appeals to me for the social/discussion aspect and once I’m finished with school I will become involved with it. I tend to read all of an author’s books, once I decide I like him/her, and this is one way to be able to discuss the authors.

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